KWM artcenter cordially invites you to
Four Types of Summer
Artists: Du Meng, Liao Chen, Lu Yecheng, Xu Liang
2019.8.1 15:00-18:00
开幕酒会 | Opening Reception
201, East Tower, World Financial Centre, No.1 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District, Beijing
垂询:裴琰洁 yanjie@kwmartcenter.com 或致电 +86 18500202816
RSVP to Emily Pei at yanjie@kwmartcenter.com or +86 18500202816

杜蒙《从前有个故事》系列作品© 图片由艺术家提供
Du Meng, Once upon a time… series, Courtesy of Artist
金杜艺术中心首次 “夏日行动!”计划于这个夏日开启,《四种夏天》作为计划的首个展览选取了4位艺术家的近百件作品,他们是玻璃艺术家杜蒙,水彩插画师廖琛,造像绘者鹿野骋和制陶手艺人徐亮。
KWM artcenter is pleased to present the first Summer Action! project entitled Four Types of Summer. The project presents nearly 100 works by four artists; glass artist Du Meng, watercolour illustrator Liao Chen, statue painter Lu Yecheng and ceramic artist Xu Liang.
杜蒙的玻璃作品从媒介和工艺上说就足够神秘又诗意。结合植物,光线这些自然的元素,杜蒙让这种古老的材质有了鲜活的生命和记忆。她使用简洁的轮廓结构和透明的无色材质,将情绪和想象毫不张扬地娓娓道来。闪烁的光影,穿过玻璃,溢出空间, “存在的虚无感”反而更真切而深邃。
Du Meng’s glass works are both mysterious and poetic in medium and craftsmanship. Combining the natural elements of plants and light, Du Meng has made this ancient material alive and memorable. Using simple contours and transparent colourless materials, she evokes emotions and imagination with subtlety. The flickering light and shadow through the glass overflows the space rendering “the illusion of existence” more realistic and profound.
廖琛 Liao Chen
龙之女 Dragon girls
50 x 50 cm
纸本水彩 Watercolor on paper
© 图片由艺术家提供 Courtesy of Artist
Liao Chen’s watercolour paintings tell a girl’s story through the life and growth found in a watermelon field of a village, through helping wingless birds fly innocently and by riding dragons up into the sky to demonstrate courageousness. These good and cool girls depict the artist’s emotions and inspirations as they get entangled and grow crazily. Fantasy and dreams unexpectedly meet her alter ego.
鹿野骋 Lu Yecheng
见性 Mindreader
87 x 106 cm
纸本油性笔 Oilpen on paper
© 图片由艺术家提供 Courtesy of Artist
Lu Yecheng’s paper Buddha illustrations remove the original sense of awe and reverence from the traditional statue art style. He reintegrates and extracts in order to create new abstract images, trying to establish an equal relationship between the human and the object. Different shades made of fine short lines are sometimes squeezed tightly together and sometimes stretched into the surrounding empty areas. The flexibility and rigidity of the images vary with the different rhythms of line, and like the porous nature of the memory, they reveal the existence of different metaphors.
徐亮 Xu Liang
181克 181g
4件 尺寸可变
©️图片由艺术家提供 Courtesy of Artist
Xu Liang’s irregular ceramics explore the possibilities of contemporary pottery emphasising space and form. He explores new shapes when the different forms are stacked on top of each other, and then searches for coherent points after combining the multiple forms. These vessels draw from an architectural language. The artist views mistakes as new possibilities in the formation of the works and he seeks resolution in their unfinished and imperfect state.
The works of these four artists are all related to the summer imagination: the semi-darkness and glint of silence in the glass, the unpredictable stretching of the pottery’s form, the pure and intangible appearance in the Buddha statue illustrations and the mysterious and spontaneous outlines in the watercolour paintings. All these illusions and images emerge in the artist’s hand work, as described in the Spanish Baroque lyric poet Luis de Góngora’s poem: “Verde calle, luz tierna, cristal frío”.
The Summer Action! project is a continuation of the multi art education function of the KWM artcenter. During the exhibition a series of workshops will be conducted by the 4 young artists in a planned and purposeful manner, with special emphasis on the artist’s “craftsmanship” and “materials”. The key aspect of the art education summer project is highlighted by the physicality and corporality of the works on display, which call on people to re-observe, touch and create from the most primitive and innocent ways.
Du Meng was born and raised in Beijing, China. In 2008, she finished her BFA in Graphic Design at the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) in Beijing. In 2013, Du received her MFA from the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), Glass Program. She has been an Artist in Residence as well as the Adjunct Faculty at RIT in the following years until she returned to China in 2016. Du has been teaching as the Adjunct Faculty at CAFA since the 2016 academic year. She also has participated in Artist in Residence program at Aichi University of Education in 2017 and her work has continued to exhibit at venues both nationally and internationally such as, Shanghai Museum of Glass, the International Exhibition of Glass Kanazawa, S12 Gallery, and FOU Gallery.
1988年出生于江西南昌,2009年本科毕业于江南⼤学美术系,2013年硕士毕业于浙江师范⼤学美术系,现工作生活于北京。展览包括:个展“废柴同萌”,星空间,北京(2015);“超新星联展”,⾃由人艺术公寓,台湾(2015);“肯定不对,但就这样吧”,尤伦斯艺术商店,北京(2015);“almost art project艺术节“,前⻔⼤栅栏杨梅⽵斜街,北京(2015);“亮点——中国⻘年艺术绘画展”,外滩18号画廊,上海(2012);“习以为常:当代⼥性艺术展”J画廊,上海(2011);“⾃说⾃话”,雅巢画廊,上海(2011)。
Liao Chen was born in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province in 1988. She graduated from the Art Department of Jiangnan University in 2009 and the Fine Arts Department of Zhejiang Normal University in 2013, now lives and works in Beijing. Her exhibitions includes: solo exhibition “Nothing but Moe: Liao Chen Solo Show”, Star Gallery, Beijing (2015); “Supernova Exhibition”, Freeman Art Apartment, Taiwan (2015); “Definitely not right, but that’s it”, UCCA Art Store , Beijing (2015); “almost art project art festival”, Yangmeizhu Xiejie, Beijing (2015); “Highlights – Chinese Young Artist Painting Exhibition”, Bund 18, Shanghai (2012); “Take it forever: Contemporary Women’s Art Exhibition” J Gallery, Shanghai (2011); “Self-talking”, Y ard Gallery, Shanghai (2011).
1987年生于山东,2010年学士毕业于山东艺术学院,2015年硕士毕业于首都师范大学美术学院,现工作生活于北京。作品曾刊登于《东方艺术》、《美术报》、《艺术派》、《画刊》、《艺术+》等国内重要刊物。主要展览包括:“精微•广大——中国当代工笔画名家小幅精品展,关山月美术馆,深圳(2019);4K若啃肉青年艺术项目,达美艺术中心,北京(2018);悲鸿YOUNG——艺术家推广项目启动展,山水美术馆,北京(2018);东京艺术博览会, 东京国际会议中心,东京(2017);动物统治,1618画廊,法国巴黎(2017);第三届世界华人华侨美术书法展, 中国华侨历史博物馆,北京(2016);关注的力量——青年水墨作品展(第三回),今日美术馆,北京(2016)等。
Lu Yecheng was born in Shandong in 1987. He graduated from Shandong Art College in 2010 and from the Fine Arts College of Capital Normal University in 2015, and now lives and works in Beijing. His works have been published in “Oriental Art”, “China Art Weekly”, “Art π”, “Art Monthly”, “Art +” and other important publications in China. His main exhibitions include: “REFINEMENT & EXHIBITION: Contemporary Chinese Masters’ Delicate Gongbi Work”, Guanshanyue Art Museum, Shenzhen (2019); 4K Youth Art Project, Damei Art Center, Beijing (2018); Artist Promotion Project Launch Exhibition, Shanshui Art Museum, Beijing (2018); Art Fair TOKYO 2017, Tokyo International Convention Center, Tokyo (2017); REGNE ANIMAL, 1618 Gallery, Paris, France (2017); The 3rd World Chinese Overseas Chinese Art and Calligraphy Exhibition, Overseas Chinese History Museum of China, Beijing (2016); The Power of Concerns – Youth Ink Painting Exhibition (3rd), Today Art Museum, Beijing (2016) and so on.
Xu Liang was born in Yueyang, Hunan Province in 1990. He now lives and works in Beijing. In 2017, he founded his ceramic art studio, and held a solo exhibition “The Square of the Palm – Xu Liang Ceramic Art Exhibition” at Mizu.
金杜艺术中心于2016年10月20日正式开幕,位于北京CBD区环球金融中心。艺术中心由金杜律师事务所支持创立。中心包括展览展示空间和教育教学空间, 将用于呈现专业的当代艺术展览,协助金杜基金收藏国内外的优秀当代艺术家作品。同时开展与时尚,设计,建筑的跨界合作,以及一系列多角度的艺术教育活动和课程,培养艺术爱好者,拓展高品质审美和趣味的国民影响力。通过在金杜全球多个事务所的展示活动,以及与国际艺术机构的互动,增强中国艺术的国际影响,成为中国当代文化的有力传播者。
The KWM artcenter opened on 20th October 2016. It is located on the second floor of the WFC centre CBD in Beijing. The Art center is supported by the law firm King & Wood Mallesons. The KWM artcenter presents and promotes artists both domestically and overseas as well as building up its own collection. In particular, it acts as a rare art institution at the heart of the economic central area in Beijing. It provides high-quality art educational activities and courses aimed to cultivate art lovers and collectors. It serves to improve the international influence of Chinese Art and become a powerful communicator of Chinese Contemporary Art.